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Exhibitor Opportunities

WSA 2025 Annual Meeting

September 6-7, 2025
Grand Geneva

Lake Geneva, WI

CLICK HERE for Exhibitor Registration Form, Fill out pdf form and email to

You are invited to participate as an exhibitor at the Wisconsin Society of Anesthesiologists Annual Meeting from September 6-7, 2025 at the Grand Geneva in Lake Geneva, WI. A special exhibit area has been established adjacent to, but outside of the main educational venue. Exhibits are promotional events and your company will have no influence on the selection of speakers, topics or other components of the event/CME activity. Acceptance of this offer to exhibit in no way creates an expectation or obligation to purchase or recommend your company’s products or services. If this exhibit is held in conjunction with an accredited CME activity, all ACCME requirements will be strictly observed and enforced by the CME provider.

The exhibit fee for this event/CME activity is $1,000. In consideration of this fee, the amenities that will be provided can be found on page one of the registration form.

By submitting an exhibitor registration form you agree to the following:

  • The fee being paid will be used for exhibit or display fees only.  No funds will be paid to support any educational programming or activities associated with the event.
  • You will pay these fees without any expectation that your products or services will be purchased and without pressure to prescribe or purchase your products.  
  • This agreement may be terminated at any time, upon providing 30 days written notice, by either party.

The exhibitor registration form and payment must be received by August 18, 2025. Please make your check payable to the Wisconsin Society of Anesthesiologists (or WSA) and send to: Wisconsin Society of Anesthesiologists (WSA), 6737 W Washington St, Ste 4210, Milwaukee, WI 53214.

Thank you for your consideration and support. We would really appreciate your presence at our meeting and are looking forward to welcoming you. 

Christina Diaz, MD, FASA, FAAP

President, Wisconsin Society of Anesthesiologists

6737 W Washington Street, Suite 4210
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53214
(p) 414-389-8616 | (f) 414-755-1346 |

© The Wisconsin Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc. All rights reserved.

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